with Libor Macalik and Jiri Huml by crossfitweightlifting
1: Snatch balance: 10 rounds- Every 60 seconds, Me: 110 kg
-1x snatch balance (Pause for 3 seconds in receiving position). Work up to a max triple for the day.
2: Power snatch: Work up to a 1 RM (10 minute time cap), Me:85 kg
3: 10 rounds – EMOM, complete
-3x power snatch (70%) + 20m shuttle sprint (10m x 2), Me:60 kg and last 2 rounds 5x power snatch
Work Capacity: Complete the following for time:
-100x overhead squat 40 kg … me 7:48 and 40 TTB (30-20-20-15-15)
*Anytime the bar leaves the overhead position, immediately perform 10x toes to bar.
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